Snowflake Automation using SnowSql CLI || Create Azure DevOps CI-CD using Snowsql CLI

Vidit tyagi
3 min readJan 26, 2022


Hello Guys,

I am writing this blog to understand how we can automate snowflake databases using CI-CD pipelines in DevOps, I am using Azure DevOps tool to automate the snowflake pipeline.

To start it let’s have a repository and create a folder inside called Migrations and inside it creates a .sql file or you can have multiple .sql files if you want to execute the multiple files.

file1.sql — create a table using a Sequence

use role sysadmin;

use database snowstages_db;

use schema public;

create or replace table test


Id integer default SEQ_1.nextval,

name varchar(50),

Dept_number int


file2.sql — create a clone table using first one

use role sysadmin;

use schema public;

Create transient table if not exists Test_Clone1 clone Test;

Go inside the Library in DevOps Portal and add Config variables:

Once you have added the env variables, let's go to the pipeline and create a new one, create Azure repo git .Yaml file, copy-paste the code below and make sure you have set up the right configurations in yaml file.

Note: There is a problem with .snowsql cli, it doesn’t support reading sql files from a folder or repository, so either we have to use a separate tool like schema change or we can give filenames separately if those are not more in the count.

A few more points I am adding: 1. AWS Configuration Variables is your configuration name.

# Deploy database changes using snowsql




- main



- /Migrations


vmImage: ‘ubuntu-latest’


- group: Snowflake_DB_Configs


- task: UsePythonVersion@0

displayName: ‘Use Python 3.8.x’


versionSpec: ‘3.8.x’

- task: Bash@3


targetType: ‘inline’

script: |

echo ‘Starting bash task’


python — version

echo ‘Step 1: installing snowsql’

curl -O


SNOWSQL_DEST=~/snowflake SNOWSQL_LOGIN_SHELL=~/.profile bash snowsql-1.2.9-linux_x86_64.bash

echo ‘Test installation’

~/snowflake/snowsql -v

echo ‘run the code file’

~/snowflake/snowsql -f $(PROJECT_FOLDER)/Migrations/file1.sql -f

$(PROJECT_FOLDER)/Migrations/file2.sql -a $(SF_ACCOUNT) -u $(SF_USERNAME)




Once your build is succeeded, you will get your tables created in snowflake database.

Enjoy :) Happy automation 😊 .



Vidit tyagi
Vidit tyagi

Written by Vidit tyagi

A data scientist in cloud data warehouse

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